Analysis of a Human Computer Interface
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Write My Essay For MeISAD223 – User-centred Interface Design:
Analysis of a Human Computer Interface
Select an example of a Human Computer interface that has tangibly improved the activity for which it has been designed to facilitate. This may include a specific device, software or a style of interaction. Provide an analysis of the psychological, perceptual and cognitive phenomena that is being utilised or exploited by the design of your example to aid human interaction.
- How does it take advantage of known human behaviour and cognitive functions to help the user interact?
- What are its’ weaknesses? – explain and justify your answers.
- How could it be improved, either via its physical design, the visual interface, or the style of interaction including relevant areas of social responsibility?
This assignment is designed to draw on the key psychological themes of the module, and this should be reflected within your report.
This is an individual assignment.
You should submit an essay demonstrating your research, analysis, critique and conclusions. This should include background theory, references, design sketches, evaluation and justification.
Your work must include a word count under the title, and use Harvard Referencing. This should be a maximum of 3000 words excluding references (every 50 words over = loss of 1% in your final mark):
Save your work as a .pdf file. Name this file with your FIRST NAME and SURNAME, and submit via Moodle/DLE. If you do not use the correct file type (.pdf) or follow these instructions, your work will not be marked. A guide on how to submit using Moodle can be found in the “Supporting Documents” section.
Assignment weighting: 50% of the marks for the module
Selection and review of a relevant system or interface (25%) (Learning Outcome 2)
Accurate identification, analysis and evaluation of relevant area of cognitive psychology with justifications (50%) (Learning Outcome 2)
Identification of weaknesses with reasoned and justified suggested improvements. (25%) (Learning Outcome 1 and 4)
Learning Outcomes:
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
- Specify usability requirements and advise upon possible designs for their realisation
- Evaluate the usability of a computer system and its interface
- Produce and evaluate a UML-based user interface design for a given scenario
- Critically discuss the ethical, legal and social responsibility in the design of user-centred systems
Marking Criteria:
Individual categories are awarded marks based upon the following criteria:
(a) Marks < 40% indicate work that is poorly written and does not demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter. The submission would have little or no evidence of research, and does not provide analysis, evaluation or critique of the information provided.
(b) Marks ≥ 60%: The quality of the work suggests a good understanding of the subject with evidence of research and analysis, evaluation and critique of the material. The submission is well written and presented, and demonstrates a good level of competence and independent thought.
(c) Marks ≥ 80%: The quality of the work is outstanding with no significant flaws. It demonstrates a very high level of competence and depth. The submission is very well written and presented, demonstrating an excellent understanding of the subject with a thorough and well-reasoned evaluation and critique of independent research.
Assessment Offences:
For this assignment you may be using information from differing sources:
- Books, journal articles
- Course/module handouts
- Web-pages
It is very important for you to note that this assignment is an individual effort and in your own words.
Thus do not simply copy the lecture notes interspersed with a few words of your own. In a similar vein, do not simply copy material from elsewhere again interspersed with your own words. This is paraphrasing and it is not encouraged, it is not likely to get you a good mark and in some cases it could be seen as plagiarism.
Thus if you:
- Use text verbatim, i.e. word-for-word.
- Copy and / or amend figures / diagrams.
Then material used this way must be referenced: The text must be in quotes and referenced, and source of the figure/diagram must be placed under the figure/ diagram.
For more information on how to write essays, reference source material and plagiarism in general, see Unit6 Planning and Writing Essays on:
If you have any doubt as to what constitutes ‘an individual effort and in your own words’ then either see your student handbook or see me.
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