
Business behavior and practices

Business behavior and practices

You will select from both Bolman and Deal’s four frames and Morgan’s metaphors (see complete resources below)to make sense of an organization you have chosen. In doing this, you will create a more comprehensive way of making sense of behavior and business processes. You will provide recommendations for action that will lead to a more productive and satisfying place to work. For this Project, you will review your resources and follow these guidelines.

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 (10 pages):

  1. Organization to use – Hasbro, Inc. an American multinational toy and Board Game Company.
  2. Begin with an introduction containing the purpose of the analysis, your position, and a narrative of your guiding principles so that the reader knows what to expect and the context of your paper.
  3. Topic titles after the introduction (you may have additional subtopic heads under these) include:
  • Background of the company (Do not use the actual name of a company if you need to keep it anonymous.)
  • Rationale for selecting the company
  • A diagnostic reading of the organization and storyline (Use Morgan’s Chapter 11 as a guide.)
  • Select the two most relevant frames of the four that surface in the “reading” of your organization and provide the issues and possible options.
    • Structural Frame and Metaphors/Issues and Options
    • Human Resources Frame and Metaphors/Issues and Options
    • Political Frame and Metaphors/Issues and Options
    • Symbolic Frame and Metaphors/Issues and Options

Also, include the following:

  • Identify and interpret interrelationships of the frames.
  • Suggest recommendations for organizational improvement.
  • Provide a conclusion.

Note: Be sure to write an abstract for the paper when completed and follow APA format to include a title page, reference list (not less than 6; excluding the required resources highlighted below), and evidence from the resources or other materials you have discovered to support your arguments. Attached is a Course Paper template to use

Note (highly important): Be sure to review Morgan’s Chapter 11 to assist you in the process as well as the worksheets that were used in the example in Bolman and Deal’s analysis on pages 412 and 424. Setting up worksheets like these before trying to write an analysis can be helpful to you in making sense of the dynamics.

Important resources

Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2013). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.




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