
Concept of God in Islam with a reflection on the 99 Beautiful Names of God

Concept of God in Islam with a reflection on the 99 Beautiful Names of God

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The term paper should be your own work. You can quote the facts from other sources with due reference and credit, but the evaluation and opinions should be your own. You are required to do sufficient readings in the sources. Some of these could be the books that are suggested for the course and the extended bibliography. Those wishing to write a paper on another topic must consult and have the approval of the instructor beforehand.

The term paper should be about 1200 words and must be submitted on or before December 1, 2015. The grade for term paper is 30%.

Please read the University policy on plagiarism. It is a serious violation of academic honesty.

Topics for Term Papers

  1. Concept of God in Islam with a reflection on the 99 Beautiful Names of God
  2. Women and Family Life in Islam or a book report on J. Badawi, Gender Equity in Islam (Available at )
  3. Concept and Practice of Jihad in Islam or a book report on J. Esposito’s Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam
  4. Jesus in the Qur’an
  5. Concept of Worship in Islam: Describe a Friday Service after your visit of a local mosque
  6. Similarities and Differences between Islam, Judaism and Christianity
  7. Select one Muslim country and write about its history, growth and present status of Islam.
  8. Islamophobia and Stereotypes of Islam and Muslims in the West



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