
Environmental Hazards and Human health

Environmental Hazards and Human health

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Write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.

There are various types of water pollution. Water pollution occurs when contaminants enter a water body and the water body becomes impacted; farms, industries, and even homes can be a source of pollution.

Select 1 topic from the following list:

  • Eutrophication
  • Acid rain
  • Salt water intrusion

Discuss the following in regard to your chosen topic:

  • Definition and explanation of your selected pollution topic
  • Causes and sources of this pollution
  • Impacts from the pollution issue both on the natural environment and ecosystems and on human populations
  • Recommended solutions to mitigate the problem

Include a minimum of 1 reference to reinforce your thoughts. Cite this source both in the text of your discussion and include at the end of your reference list.



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