
Health Service Administration Capstone

Health Service Administration Capstone

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  1. Create a mission and vision statement for your organization. Determine three (3) specific strategic goals that align with the ideals in those two (2) statements.
  2. Recommend one (1) specific adaptive strategy or combination of adaptive strategies that would be most effective in ensuring that the organization achieves its strategic goals. Support your recommendation with examples of the successful application of the recommended strategy or strategies.
  3. Outline three (3) service delivery and three (3) support components that will be necessary elements of the organization’s value chain geared toward achieving the strategic goals that you identified. Examine, in detail, the main reasons why the delivery and support components of the value chain that you identified are essential to the achievement of the organization’s goals.


  1. Suggest one (1) specific approach to maintaining the selected adaptive strategy or strategies in order to ensure that the organization achieves its mission and vision.



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