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FALL 2015
Prepare at least a three 3 – 5 page paper, typed, 12pt font, 1-inch margins, double spaced. Begin with a title page which does not count in the 3 – 5 pages. The paper shall be 3 – 5 pages of content. Start the first page of content on the top of the page.You will be graded on content (did you follow the rules of the paper- length, font, size, etc.) and grammar (punctuation, syntax, etc.). The most important part is to tell me what you learned from this assignment.
Two points per day will be deducted for late papers.
Movie Choices: (or you can choose another movie with my prior approval)
- Silver Linings Playbook
- Girl Interrupted
- Good Will Hunting
- What About Bob?
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Further instructions:
In the movie reflection assignment, you will need to choose one of the movies on the listed to watch and give a review. As you watch the film reflect on the knowledge that you have gained throughout the semester. Think of the characters and scenarios in the movie as how it might play out with you as their social worker, clinical or otherwise. Do NOTdo a simple review or synopsis of the movie. The purpose is to see what you can use from what you’ve learned this semester and apply it to a presented scenario, like the movie. In your review answer the following questions.
- What are the ethical issues that arose throughout the movie?
- What are the specific NASW Codes and principals from your book that you can identify to fit the situations in the movie? Be specific.
- As the social worker how would you react?
- What would your interventions be?
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