
Organizational Strategy

Organizational Strategy

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A county health department wants to increase the number of Medicaid beneficiaries that participate in prenatal care. It knows that only 40 percent of the expectant mothers eligible for prenatal care fully use the benefit. Many of these target customers make only one or two prenatal visits and then drop out of the program. Most of these women visit the emergency room if they have problems during pregnancy, and come to the emergency room when they are in labor.

Organizational Strategy

In 5- to 6-pages:

Define at least four questions you would need to ask in order to write a SWOT analysis.

Write vision and mission statements for the county health department that provides services to pregnant women.

Organizational Strategy

Write at least four objectives for the department. In your objectives, try to address the problem presented in the scenario. Organizational Strategy

Writing guidelines

Write four questions for the scenario that you would need to write a SWOT analysis. Provide at least one supporting reason for each question.

Write a vision statement for the county health department.

Write a mission statement for the county health department.

Write at least four objectives for the department. Organizational Strategy

Provide justification for each objective. Organizational Strategy

Writing Components:

Organization (10)

Style (10)

Usage and Mechanics (10)

APA Elements (10)



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