
Personality Type


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This assignment will help you understand your personality type. Through this assignment, you will analyze how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment.


Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about personality types.


Note: You can use the following link to access the online assessment:


Based on your research and understanding, write a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that:


  • Integrates how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment.
  • Explains all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment.
  • Includes 2- to 3-journal article references.


Support your responses with examples.


Cite any sources in APA format.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Integrated how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. 40
Explained all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment. 20
Included at least 2 journal article references. 20
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format. 20
Total: 100



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