Discussion post for Phi208 Ethics and moral reasoning:
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Write My Essay For Metopic question for discussion is:
Many of the world’s major and powerful cultures have not only permitted suicide but actually condoned acts of self sacrifice—Ancient Egypt, Classic Rome, China for almost three thousand years, Japan from pre-history into the 20th century, and Moghul India are but a few examples. Several major religions, including Islam and Hinduism, approve of suicide under certain conditions. On what basis have we the right, then, to say that suicide is wrong? Using the articles and media from the week, examine instances in which you believe that it is acceptable to kill oneself or to sacrifice oneself and then explain instances in which you think that it is not ethically permissible to do so. Be sure to include reasons that support your claims.
My beginning post is that I am a christian and donot believe in suicide is un ethical and immoral act.
I found this website from the Bible perspective of why suicide is morally and unethical.
Do you see this an issue of one of morality or ethics as being relative to one’s experiences, i.e. does one have to be faced with the problem to truly have a real opinion?
Below is an interesting article about ethical realism. Please read as time permits and use it as an adjunct to our discussion.
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