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Instructions | |||||||
Complete the Stage Two instructions for either the paper or presentation option of the final project, corresponding to what you selected in Stage One.
Final Project Option One: Paper Stage Two: There are two parts to this stage. 1. The first is to give an outline of your paper. 2. The second is to give an annotated bibliography (see below) of the sources the student plans to use for the project. Place these as one file in the proper assignment folder. Final Project Option Two: Presentation Stage Two: There are three parts to this stage. 1. The first is to give an outline or short description of your project (no more than one page). 2. The second is to give an annotated bibliography (see below) of the sources the student plans to use for the project (minimum number of resources is 4). 3. The third part is to confirm the type of technology you plan to use in your presentation. Place this information in one file in the proper assignment folder. An annotated bibliography includes both a proper citation of the piece that is to be used as well as a short summary, including an assessment on how the material will be helpful in your project.
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