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Complete the Stage Two instructions for either the paper or presentation option of the final project, corresponding to what you selected in Stage One.

Final Project Option One: Paper

Stage Two: There are two parts to this stage.

1.     The first is to give an outline of your paper.

2.     The second is to give an annotated bibliography (see below) of the sources the student plans to use for the project.

Place these as one file in the proper assignment folder.

Final Project Option Two: Presentation

Stage Two: There are three parts to this stage.

1.     The first is to give an outline or short description of your project (no more than one page).

2.     The second is to give an annotated bibliography (see below) of the sources the student plans to use for the project (minimum number of resources is 4).

3.     The third part is to confirm the type of technology you plan to use in your presentation.

Place this information in one file in the proper assignment folder.

An annotated bibliography includes both a proper citation of the piece that is to be used as well as a short summary, including an assessment on how the material will be helpful in your project.



Stage Three: Final Project
Complete the Stage Three instructions for either the paper or presentation option of the final project, corresponding to what you selected in Stage One and Stage Two.

Final Project Option One: Paper

Stage Three: Complete your paper with a normal MLA bibliography/work cited page.

Paper Gradng Rubric:

Stage three will be graded according to the following rubric (consider using this as a checklist).

1. The essay is well organized, with each section (summary and critical analysis) clearly indicated. The paper identifies the authors and articles to be discussed. (10 points)

2. The paper contains no irrelevant passages. The overall paper is unified and coherent. The paper contains an argument structure in which reasons are clearly given for the claim or assertion made. (20 points)

3. The main arguments of the articles are clearly, accurately and fairly summarized. The main claim, or conclusion, is clearly identified. Premises, or the reasons in favor or against the main claim, are provided. (20 points)

4. The paper critiques and evaluates the articles’ arguments. This evaluation offers additional insight based on the student’s understanding of the issue. The critique shows an understanding of the particular ethical system used to assess the articles’ argumentation. It addresses, critically, the relevant points made in the article critiqued. (30 points)

5. The essay is the correct length, balances well quotes and commentaries, demonstrates a mastery of the vocabulary of the reading assignment, and shows a close reading and interpretation of the text. References are accurate and the style is consistent. (10 points)

6. The paper is written in a style appropriate to a college-level class. This includes, but is not limited to, proper use of the English language, appropriate citation of direct quotes or paraphrased material, and language devoid of slang or colloquialisms.  The paper is grammatically correct with no misspelled words. The syntax or, in other words, the structure of the sentences is clear and concise. (10 points)


Final Project Option Two: Presentation

Stage Three: This is the complete presentation.  See the table below for more information as to what should be in the project.   If the technology is not of an uploadable audio/visual nature, take a video of the project and upload that to the proper folder.  The text sh





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