
QI Process: What types of care or service does your chosen organization focus on

Write a 500- to 750-word paper in which you answer the following questions:

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  • What types of care or service does your chosen organization focus on? What is its mission? What QI goals does the organization have in place?
  • What is the role of consumers–patient, family, and friends–in your organization’s QI process? What external quality indicators are available to consumers regarding that organization? Describe at least three indicators in detail. How do consumers use these indicators as part of the QI process?
  • For your organization, how is or can stakeholder–patient, managers, administrators, clinicians, health insurers, regulatory agencies, and so forth–feedback be used in the QI process? If you do not know how it is used, indicate how it can be used.


Cite at least three sources to support your information.order-now-blue


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