Report Proposing a Positive Change
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Write My Essay For MeRecommendation Report Assignment Your task is to create a Justification/Recommendation Report proposing a positive change you want to make in an organization in which you operate (military, business, civic, church, family unit, club, etc.). Topics: (choose ONE): · new computer system or software upgrade, · new policy or procedure, · employee/member moral or team building initiatives, · other change that needs to be implemented within your organization, or · be creative! Guidelines: · See the sample Justification/Recommendation Report, Figure 12.14 on pp. 443-444 in the textbook. o Note: The textbook example uses MLA writing style, be sure to use APA style. You can access the CSU Citation Guide created by the Success Center to help you with APA style. · You may use direct or indirect strategy (see textbook pp. 441-442). Consider your audience’s likely reaction to your ideas to help you choose and make a more impactful report. Format: · Use memo style format with date, to, from, and subject. · Include headings for each of your sections (examples below): o Significance of Problem: explain the issue/problem you want to change. o Alternatives/Solutions 1, 2, and 3: this section should include three recommendations describing benefits (pros), disadvantages (cons), and any costs associated with your solutions. This could be a strategic place to include paraphrased or quoted content from a source to support your viewpoint or to show costs. o Conclusions and Recommendations: summarize your ideas and end with your specific recommendation. o Reference(s): a minimum one (1) reputable source must be cited and referenced in APA style to support your ideas. Sources such as tje CSU Online Library, credible websites, or the textbook are acceptable. There should be at least one corresponding citation(s) showing paraphrased or quoted content used from each listed source(s). · The paper should be a minimum of one page in length. A title page is not required since you are using a memo style format for this assignment. A reference page is needed and is not included in the page count.
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