
Revelations of Divine Love Custom Essay

Julian of Norwich-Revelations of Divine Love Custom Essay

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This paper need to reflect on how it touches your life in some way. After establishing the main theme of the classic writings, spend more time in a more meditative mode, asking how the text speaks to you in some way about the spiritual life and your experience.

You are being asked to respond to these classic texts in an integrative manner: that is, in a way that bridges your intellectual and affective experiences. To that end, you are being asked to bring together some knowledge of the text and its context with a contemplative approach to how the text speaks to you. Stephanie Paulsell has described the work of the spirituality scholar reading classic texts as “seeking where a piece of the text touches a piece of our lives.”

Try not attempt to read and respond to these texts in the midst of other busyness; try to a lot enough time and space to read these texts slowly, ruminating as you go (most are brief enough to do this without a huge demand on your time).

Read once through to establish an overall sense of the text and its context. Read through again more slowly, pausing when you reach a place that captures your attention to explore what it is that speaks to you. Write down significant movements or insights (whether they feel “positive” or “negative”).

At the conclusion of your time, write down any questions about the content of the text or about your interior responses that you would like to pursue.

Consult Holt’s Thirsty for God or Hayes’s Forged in the Fiery Furnace to learn something about the author of the text in question (if you don’t find anything in those texts about a particular figure, consult a dictionary or textbook of Christian history). As you read, try to understand how the author’s themes, imagery, instruction comport with the themes of their life, theology, and spirituality overall.

Evaluation scale:

5 points: excellent post that demonstrates understanding of the text and its context, displays deep engagement with the reading, demonstrates excellent insight about how the text speaks to (or does not speak to) one’s experience, raises vital, generative questions about spiritual life and practice.

4 points: very good post that demonstrates all of the above, but just below the level of “excellence.”

2-3 points: average post: shows that student has read the text and thought about its meaning; displays less than excellent or good levels of understanding the text and its context; reports on one’s experience but does not penetrate beneath the surface of how text and life meet.

0-1 points: poor or no post. Either student has not posted or post demonstrates little engagement or understanding of the text and its context, shallow understanding of how text speaks to life.

Also please add anything you can find on Elizabeth Koening, Introduction to Julian from Holder’s Christian Spirituality.


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