
Separating Cultural and Ethical Relativism

  1. What is the difference between the popular understanding of culture as “high culture” and the anthropological understanding of culture? Illustrate your response through specific reference to Geertz’ Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.
  2. Read this bulletin from Survival International, an organization that advocates for the rights of indigenous peoples. Now read this news story that was on the front page of the New York Times. Comment on the New York Times story in light of the Survival International Bulletin and what you have learned in Module 2. In other words, I would like you to decide whether the New York Times article is guilty or not of spreading stereotypes of so-called “primitive” peoples. (More information on the Nukak from Survival International. We’ll be coming across them again later in the class. There are a number of images portraying the Nukak way of life – before the impact of the recent fighting – behind the materials button, which were taken by a colleague of mine, Dr. Gustavo Politis.)
  3. Why is it important to an anthropologist to seek out the “native’s point of view”? Is this perspective enough to produce a good ethnography?


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Second hand copies are usually available Custom Essay

Second hand copies are usually available. [The 3rd through 7th editions are also acceptable, although you will have to hunt for the information as page numbers change]

o Use well-developed examples that are fully referenced to illustrate and support your


o Review the section on Academic Honesty in the syllabus.

  • Sources o You must use at least three sources in addition to the topic documents (this can be the

textbook and 2 others from class readings). You may use readings that are not from the class, but these must be in addition to the 2 from the class readings. Radio interviews, newspapers stories, and other non-academic sources do not count as a source.

o *Do not use information taken from web sites* (unless specifically directed to do so by me).

o You may use the library or the online databases for additional sources (check with the librarians if you are unsure how to use these).

o Cite the author’s name and a page number in parentheses after you refer to information taken from a particular text.

o Keep quotes to a minimum. If you paraphrase make sure your version is completely different from the original.

o Write a list of references at the end of your response, including author’s name, date, and title of each work listed. You do not need to follow any particular referencing style.

Continued …


Respond to ONE of the following questions:

  1. Read Rosaldo (2000) Of Headhunters and Soldiers: Separating Cultural and Ethical Relativism. What does he mean by the following: “To understand is not to forgive”? Do you agree? Develop your answer in terms of the relationship among ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and moral (or ethical) relativism. Support your view with references to the perspective of anthropologists.
  2. deadline, personalized customer support and communication with your writer through out the order preparation period.What is the difference between the popular understanding of culture as “high culture” and the anthropological understanding of culture? Illustrate your response through specific reference to Geertz’ Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.
  3. Read this bulletin from Survival International, an organization that advocates for the rights of indigenous peoples. Now read this news story that was on the front page of the New York Times. Comment on the New York Times story in light of the Survival International Bulletin and what you have learned in Module 2. In other words, I would like you to decide whether the New York Times article is guilty or not of spreading stereotypes of so-called “primitive” peoples. (More information on the Nukak from Survival International. We’ll be coming across them again later in the class. There are a number of images portraying the Nukak way of life – before the impact of the recent fighting – behind the materials button, which were taken by a colleague of mine, Dr. Gustavo Politis.)
  4. Why is it important to an anthropologist to seek out the “native’s point of view”? Is this perspective enough to produce a good ethnography?


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