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Using the information from the interview you conducted in Week 2, list in descending order the support needs of your participant. Also discuss how to implement objectives of Healthy People 2020 to increase wellness. Give examples of appropriate interventions of the professional caregiver, for example, the nurse.


Submit your findings in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.


Support your responses with examples.


Cite any sources in APA format.




Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Listed in descending order support needs of the participant and included appropriate interventions of caregiver. 32
Discussed how to implement objectives of Healthy People 2020 to increase wellness. 32
Discussed nursing professionals’ role as advocate for participant acceptance of diagnosis and treatment. 28
Discussed how the environment affects the patient’s health. Discuss the social determinants that impact care or needs of patient with chronic illness. 28
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format. 20
Total: 140



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