
The Role of Universities in Building A Knowledge-based Economy in Saudi Arabia

The Role of Universities in Building A Knowledge-based Economy in Saudi Arabia Custom Essay

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The essay consists of the following sections:

  1. Introduction: (3 pages)

Generally, knowledge-based economy refers to activities involving the use of information – its production, transmission, and application to creating both information services and goods which may be termed “knowledge products.” For some thinkers, a knowledge economy is synonymous with research, higher education, and the production of knowledge products. For others, knowledge-based economies use knowledge as a tool or process to generate wealth or increase efficiencies.

Over the past two decades the economies of leading countries have increasingly evolved into knowledge-based economies, relying less on traditional resources such as capital and labor for wealth creation and growth. It is generally accepted that the creation of new knowledge, innovation and technological change drive progress in such countries. Economic activities based on new knowledge stimulate economic

growth, provide higher wages and greater employment opportunities, as well as enhance a country’s competitiveness within the global environment.

The introduction should cover the following points:

  1. What is knowledge-based economy?
  2. The contribution of knowledge-based economy to economic growth and development.
  1. Literature Review: (8 pages)

Science, technology and innovation, the cornerstones of the knowledge-based economy are now clearly on the agenda of both developed and developing countries, as fundamental to achieving sustainable development across the globe. The transformation of a country into a knowledge-based economy has a considerable impact on the role of a contemporary university. The university plays a particular set of roles in the global knowledge economy.

The contribution of universities in building a knowledge-based economy can take the following aspects:

  1. The commercialization of university know-how.
  2. The process of technology transfer and exchange.
  3. The changing nature of the knowledge society and the challenge this poses to the organization of knowledge within higher education.
  4. The central pressure upon higher education, from central government, to foster innovation and demonstrate relevance to national and international competitiveness agendas.

Literature review should cover deeply and extensively the role that universities play in building a knowledge-based economy, especially in promoting economic growth and development, in developing countries.

  1. Universities and Knowledge-based Economy in Saudi Arabia: (8 pages)

Knowledge production has become a core function of the university since the emergence of the Humboldtian model of the university in 1810. The policy profiles of universities and other higher education institutions have undergone profound changes over recent years, and this has been along a number of key

dimensions, including innovation, knowledge transfer, economic and social development and spin-outs. A key area has been in respect of how universities can support and develop the innovation process and the way universities can sustain this process to benefit economic growth and development.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in its social sector, especially in setting up new universities. Although higher education institutions in the developing world still lag behind their counterparts in the industrialized countries, they are gradually becoming aware of the role of higher education as an essential factor in the transformation to a knowledge-based economy, and “a vital instrument of both international cooperation and national competitiveness in securing the nation’s place on the global level.

This understanding is entering into government policies and strategic planning. Developing countries are becoming more reliant on academic institutions in national development, especially in the production of information and technology-based (ICT-based) education and research for the local market.

This section should discuss the universities’ role in a knowledge-based economy in Saudi Arabia based on the context of literature review. This section must show Saudi universities help in building a Knowledge-based economy in Saudi Arabia. This section must discuss the experience of one or two universities as a model, such as King Saud University or/and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KUST).

  1. Conclusion and Policy Implications: ( 1 page)

This section concludes the essay. It also offers some recommendations for universities and Saudi government.

  1. References:

This section should include all papers and studies mentioned in the essay. Please do not use any paper or study that has no reference.

References should be arranged alphabetically and follow American Psychological

Association (APA) style.

Important Notes to the Writer:

  1. The writer needs to follow these outlines exactly.
  1. The essay must be of a very high quality.
  1. The essay must demonstrate deep understanding of the topic under investigation. It must cover all aspects of the topic.
  1. The essay must depend mainly on papers published in pioneer academic journals.
  1. Please, do not repeat ideas.


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