
types and construction methods of various shallow deep foundation alternatives

types and construction methods of various shallow deep foundation alternatives

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*acknowledgements: name and thank people who helped you with the work

* contents page with numbering

*introduction briefly explain the scope the project

*Chapters: break your report down into logical chapters. each chapter should contain detailed information about one specific of the project e.g.

Chapter1: General information about various shallow foundations (types, construction details)

chapter2: general information about deep foundation alternatives (types, construction details)

*conclusions: briefly state the conclusions that derive from your work

*bibliography: Should contain all the resources that you sourced e.g. books, journals, websites, newspapers – even if they have not been cited in your report.

*References: state the sources from which you have cited. use standard referencing system e.g. harvard

appendices: these may contain information that is too bulky to include in the body of your report e.g. series of borehole logs or soil test results.


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