
Working with a Nurse Leader

Discussion Question 1

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Post a detailed description of your experience of working with a nurse leader. Include the following aspects in your description.

  • Of the leadership theories discussed this week, which one did this nurse leader subscribe to? Why?
  • How has your experience been with the nurse leader? Provide a description of your interactions with him or her?

Discussion Question 2

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, choose and research about a professional nursing organization. Based on your understanding of the organization, answer the following questions:

  • What are the benefits of membership of your selected nursing organization?
  • What opportunities are available to serve within this organization?
  • How does one go about obtaining a position of service within this organization?
  • With what political issues is this organization involved?
  • How does this organization go about working within the political system?order-now-blue


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