
new marketing opportunities

new marketing opportunities

The CEO of your firm has just announced that the organization is considering two diverse strategies to increase business: marketing healthcare services to the mature healthcare consumer, or marketing healthcare services to international consumers.

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1) Read the following two articles:

  • Fell, D. (2002). Taking the U.S. health services overseas. Marketing Health Services, 22(2), 21-23. Click here to read the article.
  • Marsh, D. (2010). Marketing to the mature marketplace. Marketing Health Services, 30(1), 12–17. Click here to read the article.

2) Draft two separate marketing proposals for the organization. Each proposal should be based on a marketing strategy covered in the course.

In a separate 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document

3) Explain which proposal best supports the marketing opportunities outlined by the firm’s CEO. In other words, does targeting one or the other group make sense in light of either of the proposals you have just drafted?

4) Decide which (if either) of the strategies should be a part of your marketing proposal. Explain why and be sure to address each of the following:

  1. The opportunities available to the organization by marketing healthcare services to the mature marketplace and the opportunities available to the organization by marketing healthcare services to the international consumer.
  2. How either or both of the opportunities compliment or conflict with the organization’s current marketing strategy.
  3. What recommendations you would make to the CEO concerning the two proposals.



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