Adherence to Medication Regimen
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This is part of the methodology of the proposed study. This section will include the research design, sample and sampling strategy.
The research design needs to be appropriate to the research question. The discussion should include identification of the type of design (e.g., quasi-experimental) as well as a brief description of the design and rationale for the selection of this type of design.
The second part of this assignment describes the sample and sampling strategy to be used to obtain the sample. The discussion of the sample needs address the number of participants in the study and the criteria for inclusion or exclusion. The setting needs to be described with a rationale for its selection. The sampling strategy needs to identify the type of sampling strategy, rationale for selection, and describe the details of the process of selecting the sample. The discussion should address the appropriateness to the research question and design.
*Please use sources from: Proquest, Cinahl, PubMed, Medline, NIH. *There is a Research Template attached .
Title of Research Proposal
Background and Significance
Provides a brief introduction about the research topic/problem. You do not have to write the word ‘Introduction’ because it is clearly identified by its position in the paper (APA, 2010, p. 10). Discusses current knowledge about the proposed topic of research and articulates significance of proposed study. Links significance of proposed research to current and future nursing research priorities. Include citations.
Research Problem and Purpose
Provides a researchable problem statement and a statement of purpose that arefocused and specific and significant and meaningful to nursing.The problem statement “identifies the specific gap in knowledge needed for practice” (Burns & Grove, 2009, p. 69).The research purpose “is a clear, concise statement of the specific goal or aim of the study that is generated from the research problem” (Burns & Grove, 2009, p. 69). When writing the research purpose, write, The purpose of this research will be to….
Research Objectives, Question, Hypothesis, and Variables
A statement of the type of study being planned is clearly stated (whether quantitative or qualitative). Research objectives/s, question/s and hypothesis/es are clearly stated. “Research objectives are developed from the research problem and purpose to clarify the foci of the study, the variable, and population” (Burns & Grove, 2009, p. 165). The question/s identify/ies key study variables (IV and DV), the relationship among them, population to be studied, and the setting (Burns & Grove, 2009, p.165).The hypothesis/es (if appropriate) clearly state/s the prediction of the expected results/outcomes of the study.If qualitative study: research question states phenomenon of interest, the population to be studied, and the setting Research objective/s, question/s, and hypothesis/es are congruent with each other as well as congruent with the problem and purpose statements Clarifies concepts by providing operational definitions as appropriate
Review of Literature (ROL)
ROL is a synthesis of existing body of knowledge rather than a collection of separate studies or articles discussed separately. ROL discusses limitations in current studies. ROL identifies and clearly states the gaps in knowledge that the proposed research intends to fill. (Use ROL matrix as a tool to organize your literature).
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical/conceptual framework is briefly described (purpose of theory and who developed theory) and how the theory is applicable to the conduct of the proposed research.
Research Design
The specific quantitative design or qualitative approach that will be used for the proposed study is clearly stated and described. Rationale for using the specific design is clearly stated. The process for assigning subjects to groups is clearly stated (if applicable).
Sample and Setting
Describes population from which sample will be taken. Lists inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discusses sampling method. Describe plan for participant recruitment.
Sampling Strategy
Describes population from which sample will be taken. Lists inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discusses sampling method. Describe plan for participant recruitment.
Research Instruments
Research instruments are listed and described (discussion of the instruments can be incorporated in the plan for data collection).
Clearly describes the protocol or procedure for the intervention. The intervention might have an educational component incorporated into it. For example, if you are investigating the effect of a certain diet to decrease the manifestation of signs and symptoms of a certain disease process, you would educate the participants about the diet, then implement the diet. The diet then has to be strictly prescribed.
Data Collection
Describes data collection plan that will facilitate the collection of empirical data that will provide answer/answers to the research question.
Data Analysis
Describes the plan for data analysis.
Ethical Considerations
Discusses protection of human participants. Discusses informed consent, application to IRB, etc. If you are planning a study with vulnerable population, read about them and what special ethical considerations apply to them and discuss in this section.
Limitations and Implications
Discusses limitations of the study. Discusses implications for nursing practice.
Dissemination of Findings
Describes the plan for dissemination of findings for the proposed research. Includes the specific name of research or professional conference if planning to present a podium or poster presentation. Include the specific name of journal if planning to publish.
Prepare your PPT about your proposal on week eight and present it to your class on week nine. Submit your entire research proposal on week ten using APA format. Your paper must be in all black font. Do not go beyond twenty pages.
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