
AIU Unit 5 Assignment

AIU Unit 5 Assignment

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Now that you are completing UNIV103, what are your next steps? This assignment will give you an opportunity to create a personal goal template to use as a resource moving forward into your program. Specifically, you will complete the following steps: Reflect upon the ideas you had as you completed the application process. Create the ultimate SMART goal that you would like to achieve considering the ideas you had as a starting point.

Using the template provided, create at least 3 (immediate, mid-range, long-range) SMART goals each for your personal, academic, professional, and financial life that will step you toward achieving your ultimate goal. Use the following time frame guidelines: Immediate: Up to 6 months Mid-range: 6 months to 2 years Long term: 2 or more years Be sure to list advantages and costs. ** For assistance with completing your “Financial Goals”, click on the Financial Aid tab within the Virtual Campus, click on “Money Matters”, and complete the module named “You and Your Loans.” If you have any access issues or additional financial
questions, contact your Financial Aid representative or your Student Advisor. Click here to download the SMART Goals template. Submit your completed goals
template to the Submissions area of the course. If you are planning to use a repurposed or reused assignment, please let your instructor know about it. If an
instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, an instructor will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post
an F grade and submit a task for review to Administration until proof of originality is provided. Click here for more information. Click here if you need to
watch a tutorial on submitting Individual Project files. Grading Rubric 10% Creation of SMART Ultimate Goal. 15% Creation of a total of 3 SMART Personal Goals, (1 immediate, 1 mid-range, 1 long-range.) 15% Creation of a total of 3 SMART Academic Goals, (1 immediate, 1 mid-range, 1 long-range.) 15% Creation of a total of 3 SMART Professional Goals, (1 immediate, 1 mid-range, 1 long-range.) 15% Creation of a total of 3 SMART Financial Goals, (1 immediate, 1 mid- range, 1 long-range.) 30% Advantages and costs listed for each goal.

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