
Analyze inventory management concepts, and determine inventory quantities and ordering policies

Analyze inventory management concepts, and determine inventory quantities and ordering policies

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Product and Technology Management

Assignment Objectives
Rank operations management and supply chain management
Analyze inventory management concepts, and determine inventory quantities and ordering policies
Rank applications of information technology: MRP and ERP systems
Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages
Consider the following scenario:
As part of the management team for PPQ Parts manufacturing company, you are tasked with selecting the best software packages for the firm’s materials requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirement planning (CRP), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) needs.
Use the Internet, course materials and web resources to research the pros and cons of six software systems designed to perform these functions. Then, write a 5 – 7 page Software Recommendations Report that you will submit to the chief executive.
In the report, be sure to justify your recommendations by analyzing the pros and cons of each of the six software systems you evaluated.
You will need to include information such as cost, compatibility with current systems and work flow processes, functionality, ease of use, and end user support.
Individual Project Rubric:
Grading Criteria Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear 35%
Scholarly research which supports writer’s position properly acknowledged and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluded title page, abstract or table of contents if used, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference page(s). Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences. 20%
Critical thinking: position is well justified; logical flow; examples 20%
Structure: includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph format and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable 10%
Mechanical – no spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors 10%
APA – deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th Ed.) 5%


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