
Career Development Plan Part I – Job Analysis and Selection

Job Analysis and Selection

Job Analysis and Selection. Please follow this instructions to do the paper and use the chapter’s attached and use laws if any from the US Department of Labor not from any other country, please and thanks

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Use:Ch. 5–7 & Ch. 16 of Managing Human Resources, Ch. 6 of Human Resource Management, InterClean Scenario, and Employee Profiles and any other reference.

Consider the following scenario:
InterClean has just merged with EnviroTech and, as a result, has assumed a new strategic direction. The company will no longer sell only cleaning products but will also provide full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. At the same time, the company continues with plans to expand worldwide: Puerto Rico represents a new market in which to introduce the new full-service cleaning solutions.
David Spencer, president and CEO of InterClean, wants to determine the best way to quickly implement the new business strategy.
As a midlevel sales manager, you have been tasked with selecting five new members for Puerto Rico operations and creating a development plan to help your team succeed with the company’s new strategy. The Career Development Plan consists of four parts, which continue through Weeks Two, Three, Four, and Five.
Review the InterClean Scenario and Employee Profiles.
Write a report of no more than 1,400 words using the InterClean Scenario. Include the following:
• Explanation of your job analysis information
• Description of your workforce planning system
• Identification of selected employees, your selection method and its advantages and disadvantages, and a rationale for the choices
• Identification of your methodology for selecting and retaining employees for the five positions
• Description of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of each position as well as the role you think each will play with your new team
• Explanation of ways you plan to work within a legal framework regarding the job analysis
Format: APA guidelines.

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