Select an organization with which you are familiar
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Write My Essay For MeSelect an organization with which you are familiar. You may choose your employer or another organization, provided you have access to the necessary information.
Organization name:
no.of employees:
Year founded:
Description of the organizational culture or organizational environment:
Functional area
Functions within the organization
Most influential direct department relationship
Other influential direct department relationships
The accounting department manages the functions of keeping track of company assets and liabilities.
• Financial reporting
• Accounts receivables
Select an organization with which you are familiar. You may choose your employer or another organization, provided you have access to the necessary information.
Organization name:
no.of employees:
Year founded:
Description of the organizational culture or organizational environment:
Functional area
Functions within the organization
Most influential direct department relationship
Other influential direct department relationships
The accounting department manages the functions of keeping track of company assets and liabilities.
• Financial reporting
• Accounts receivables
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