Validity , The fifth part of qualitative research midterm exam.
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Write My Essay For MeRESM 7330: Qualitative I: Midterm exam( Guide)
5.Validity , The fifth part of qualitative research midterm exam.
In this part (Validity)of exam, you should look at your fieldwork experience from this semester (participant observation, interviewing, documents and the work around them) and discuss it in terms of key concepts in qualitative research.
You should include specific, quoted, and cited references to at 3 different readings, including meaningful discussion of them rather than “name-dropping,” as well as a Works Cited list in APA or other specific style form. That is, you should find points in the readings ( I attach them with order)that you find particularly intriguing relevant to your own experience, and develop an original discussion of your experience using those points.
You should also include at least two specific, quoted references to your own fieldwork—i.e., any of the four kinds of fieldnotes; interview protocol, header information, or transcription; document collection or analysis
Instead of one, integrated essay, you are asked to write 7 short answers (worth 6
points each) on the following topics:
Concept Data Quote Book Quote
Criteria for assessment (both options)
Description and discussion of own research experience (Truth-telling Project) 3 points possible per answer:
Uses at least three significant block quotes (3 lines or more) from own fieldnotes, headnotes, interview transcript, or document analysis notes
contextualizes the quote: what is it from?
Discusses the quote specifically (analyzing particular words or phrases of it, and interpreting why they are significant) to show how it demonstrates a significant point about the topic (e.g., ethics, rapport, interviewing process)
Mastery of methodological readings assigned in class 2points possible per answer:
Cites and quotes at least 2 separate readings per topic, and discusses several concepts from each.
Discussion is in depth enough to demonstrate understanding of the significance of the concept.
Makes clear how reading is relevant to, or helps to interpret, own work as illustrated in quotation.
Overall writing 1 point possible :
Originality of thought; uses complete sentences, transitions, and sensible organization; is proofread and copyedited for spelling and grammar; APA style.
References ( that you should take at least one quote for validity )
- DL Maxwell, Understanding and Validityin Qualitative Research.
- DL Beach, Problem of Validity in Education Research, 2003.
- Validity: From Schwandt, T. (1997).Qualitative inquiry: A dictionary of terms.
- Vaught, Sabina E. 2008, Writing Against Racism
- Sabina E. Vaught2008, Telling White Lies, QI
- You can see and take quote about the Validity fromvalidity ‘s PowerPoint of the professor in the last of this guide. (attached with order.)
- However, be careful, for all quote , you have to put page numbers. You have to use quote and paraphrase in APA style 100% correct. 100n% NO plagiarism.
This has to be done with proof Reading.
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